
Durable reinforced concrete containers

Since its establishment in 2000, CDB has a historical expertise in designing and producing reinforced concrete containers for the conditioning and storage of low and medium level radioactive waste.

These containers are used across all EDF nuclear power plants and by the French Atomic Energy and New Energies Commission (CEA).

Designed for surface storage at the Agence National pour la Gestion des Déchets RAdioactifs (Andra) facilities, these containers have undergone a 300-year durability demonstration, achieved through :

  • Development of high-performance concrete formulations

  • Specification of unique container geometries

  • Design and mastery of the industrial manufacturing process

  • Implementation of controls throughout the manufacturing process


Technical data

  Diameter (mm) Height (mm) Usable volume (dm3) Theoretical mass (kg) Application
C1PG 1 400 1 300 914 2 310 Conditioning of water filters and heterogeneous waste
C1PGPA 2 360 Conditioning of wastewater treatment sludge and concentrates
C1PGSP 2 390 Polystyrene-free container for deep geological disposal
C1PGS1 640 3 950 MERCURE process (ion exchange resin treatment)
C1PGS2 525 4 900
C1PGS3 420 5 715
C1PGB1 640 3 890 UM2B process (sludge blocking)
C1PGB2 525 4 900
C1PGB3 420 5 700
C4PG 1 100 477 1 650 Conditioning of water filters and heterogeneous waste 
C4PGBA 73 2 860 RCV filter conditionning


Container drawings

Standard containers


MERCURE containers

UM2B containers

Product data sheets on request