CONDITIONNEMENT DECHETS BETON (CDB) was founded in 2000 by CYCLIFE France (formerly SOCODEI), an EDF subsidiary, in association with VINCI CONSTRUCTION. This company has taken over the "Containers, dry batches, electricity poles and Quarry" activities of COMPTOIR DU BATIMENT, by order of the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Belley (01).

CDB has a solid financial base, as it is owned by CYCLIFE France (51%) and VINCI CONSTRUCTION (49%). EDF, CYCLIFE's sole shareholder, guarantees the long-term viability of its activities through long-term contracts. VINCI Construction France, which handles the operational management of CDB, provides the resources and support required for its day-to-day operations and special services.

CDB's head office is located in Codolet (30) on the premises of CYCLIFE, while operations are carried out at the Chazey-Bons (01) production site and at the alluvial quarry located in Belmont-Luthézieu (01).